IKO Organic Shingle Class Action

Canadian IKO Organic Shingle Class Action Settlement

The final claim submission deadline has now passed (December 31, 2023). RicePoint is currently finalizing reviews of all claims received.

Once any remaining deficiencies are resolved and the Court approves the proposed distribution, payments will be mailed. Payment to eligible Settlement Claims is expected in Winter 2024.

Please check here for distribution updates as they become available.

IKO and the Plaintiff (on behalf of the Class) have agreed to settle the Canadian class action relating to alleged defects in IKO Organic Shingles.  As part of the settlement, IKO paid $7.5 million for the benefit of Class Members. The settlement represents a voluntary resolution of claims. IKO does not admit any wrongdoing or liability.

The settlement does NOT affect persons with IKO fiberglass shingles (some of which have been sold under the same brand names as IKO Organic Shingles).

The availability of Settlement Benefits are completely separate from the benefits available pursuant to the IKO Warranty Claims Process and are administered by an independent third party Claims Administrator.

Who can apply to receive Settlement Benefits?

Generally speaking, you are eligible for Settlement Benefits if you: (i) are a member of the Class; (ii) submit a timely claim; (iii) have an approved warranty claim; and (iv) did not receive IKO’s “Iron Clad” warranty benefits.  In limited circumstances, you may also be eligible for Settlement Benefits if your warranty claim was denied.  Click here for more information.

Can I still submit a Settlement Claim?

The claims process closed on December 31, 2023. We are no longer accepting Settlement Claim submissions, however, you may still be eligible to submit a warranty claim with IKO if you haven’t done so already. You can reach IKO for questions relating to warranty claims by telephone at 1-800-361-5836.


Answers to questions about eligibility are available here.

Answers to questions about the allocation of the settlement funds are available here. As per the settlement agreement, the claims administrator has requested a Court Order approving the initial payment. Settlement benefits will be distributed to approved class members upon receipt of this Order.

Answers to general questions are available here.

Contact Us

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Claims Administrator

Please do not contact IKO with questions regarding the administration of Settlement Benefits as the Claims Administrator, not IKO, is responsible for administering Settlement Benefits.